Solar light trap scheme 2020

September 08, 2020
Solar light trap scheme 2020

Solar light trap scheme 2020; Farmers approve of a solar light trap for low-cost, eco-friendly pest control

RKVY-Control of White grub in groundnut.
50% of the price for all farmers or Rs. 5000 / - per hectare less than two per account for a maximum of 3 per beneficiary farmer.
In order to obtain light trap / solar light trap, the beneficiary farmer has to purchase the solar light trap component from the manufacturer or authorized dealer of the manufacturer involved in the empanelment.

Possible target of the state for the year 2020-21:

NFSM Commercial Crop::

50% of the cost of solar light trap for all farmers or Rs. 500 / - whichever is less
apply online solar light trap scheme::
Click here

 Watch Tutorial Video of this scheme::

Click here

In order to obtain solar light trap, the beneficiary farmer has to purchase the solar light trap component from the manufacturer or authorized dealer of the manufacturer involved in the empanelment
Scheme for distribution of solar light (energy) trap to farmers
50% of the cost of solar light trap for SC / ST farmers or Rs. 50 / - 50% of the cost of solar light trap for all farmers except Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe, whichever is less than the limit of Rs. 500 / - whichever is less
In order to obtain solar light trap, the beneficiary farmer has to purchase the solar light trap component from the manufacturer or authorized dealer of the manufacturer involved in the empanelment.