October 18, 2020


fixation of pay of a Govt. servant holding a post in a substantive, temporary or officiating capacity on transfer on his own request to a post with the maximum of the time scale of that post being lower than his pay in the post held by him on regular basis

5.4 Clause (b) deals with fixation of pay of a Govt. servant when the conditions stipulated in Clause (a) above are not fulfilled, such as on first appointment in Government service etc.
deals with grant of Proforma officiating promotion under 'Next Below Rule' to a Government servant working on deputation under the Government outside his regular line of service or on foreign service.

stipulates that appointment or promotion of a Government servant to a post in the same or identical time scale of pay (with reference to the scale of pay of the post held by him at the time of appointment or promotion) should not be deemed to involve the assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance for the purpose of initial fixation of pay.
stipulates that when a Government servant while holding an ex-cadre post is promoted or appointed regularly to a post in his cadre, his pay in the new cadre post should be fixed with reference to his presumptive pay in the old cadre. post which he would have held but for his holding the ex-cadre post.

There is a proviso to clause.It enables counting previous service in the same or identical time scale.Other FRs relevant to fixation of pay referred to in para 1 above, are FR 27 and FR 35.FR 27 vests powers with the competent authority to fix the pay of a Government servant at a stage higher than admissible under the provision.
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