October 17, 2020


BLO For BLO voters belonging to the following category, facility to vote by postal ballot by filling Form 12-D.  Senior Voters (over 50 years of age) # 2.  Voters marked as disabled voters in the voter list # 2. Kovid-18 Infected Affected Voters ## Once the voter's application for postal ballot is accepted, the voter can vote only by postal ballot but cannot go to the polling station and cast his vote.  # BLO will issue Form 12-D in person by visiting the applicant's residence.  If the voter wishes to cast his / her vote by postal ballot, he / she should fill up the Form 16-DBLO properly within 7 days after the announcement.  Will be recovered by and will be delivered to the Returning Officer.  ## Voters residing at home or in institutional quarantine must submit the duly filled Form-D to the Returning Officer within 7 days after the declaration is issued.  The form should be accompanied by a quarantine certificate issued by the competent authority (appointed by the State Government).  

Arrangement to have less voter sanitation at every polling station and increase of polling time by 1 hour.  

Less than 1000 voters from 8 am to 6 pm

POLLING BOOTH will be given to the voter to wear gloves.  At the time of polling, the first polling officer will check the name of the voter in the voter list and his identity document.  The voter will have to show his face by removing his mask.  The voter will stand in line while maintaining social distance. 

The second polling officer will put the indelible ink on the finger of the 6 feet voter, the third polling officer will take the voting slip and give the voter's slip and check the signature of the voter in the register of the indelible ink on the finger.  Will take.  To cast a 9 ft * vote, the voter will press the blue button on the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) in front of the candidate of his choice with gloved hands.  There will be a red light with a beep sound.