BLO For BLO voters belonging to the following category, facility to vote by postal ballot by filling Form 12-D. Senior Voters (over 50 years of age) # 2. Voters marked as disabled voters in the voter list # 2. Kovid-18 Infected Affected Voters ## Once the voter's application for postal ballot is accepted, the voter can vote only by postal ballot but cannot go to the polling station and cast his vote. # BLO will issue Form 12-D in person by visiting the applicant's residence. If the voter wishes to cast his / her vote by postal ballot, he / she should fill up the Form 16-DBLO properly within 7 days after the announcement. Will be recovered by and will be delivered to the Returning Officer. ## Voters residing at home or in institutional quarantine must submit the duly filled Form-D to the Returning Officer within 7 days after the declaration is issued. The form should be accompanied by a quarantine certificate issued by the competent authority (appointed by the State Government).