Questions pending for Gujarat State Primary Teachers Union Date: 15/10/2050 Matter of making policy decision quickly in 500 grade pay instead of 500. (2) Questions of H. Tata (1) R.R. To decide
(2) to give a chance to return to H.Tat promotion.
(3) H.Tat Promotion to give an additional increase.
(4) H. Tat's O.P. Not to do or reduce the number of students to 100, 150, 50 in Russia.
(5) Matter to clarify that H. Tat is considered as vacation / non-vacation staff.
(6) Matter of giving the benefit of consecutive job to H. Tat. (2) Consider H. Tat as educational staff and 2,50,81 U.P.D. Giving grades. (3) To give H.Tat according to the number in Std. 1 to 8 schools. (10) Matter of giving 500 / - grade pay to H. Tat (2) Matter of giving arrears of salary commission in 7th (3) Matter of shifting camp and district transfer camp.
Regarding organizing the remaining camps of Std. 6 to 8 option. (2) To give an opportunity to return from Std. 6 to 8 to Std. 1 to 8.
(2) Matter of SPL Leave - 12/10 Medical Matter (Matter of Leave specially sanctioned to the Academic Assistant) At present, it is compulsory to visit 3 schools every day. Reduction of 1 school visit per day.
(2) Matter of increasing the PTA of CRC / BRC (3) Matter of sending a letter from the regulatory level regarding the calculation of nudity of coronated teachers
(10) Matter of giving regular increase in contingency rate.
(11) Matter of reducing the bond period of primary teachers with 10 (ten) year bonds and giving concession of reciprocal transfer. To include the educational assistants recruited before 8-9-2011 in full pay in proportion to retirement after two years of service.
(12) Matter of presenting to the Director to keep all the teachers present in the loyalty training.
(13 Matter of giving Class-II examination to the primary teachers.
14) Teachers - to improve the child's race.
(15) Matter of providing facility of commuter projector in primary schools of Std. 1 to 8
(16) Matter of giving benefit per class in Gyankunj project Therefore, regarding non-calculation of deductible salary
17 to amend the rules of transfer - to remove the mention of homeland in reciprocity
(21) GPF of teachers in newly created districts. Matter of depositing money by starting an account